Challenges faced by them

                          When we asked about challenges faced by them, he mentioned various things. At first, he said BS-VI transmission has been affecting their sales because consumers are anticipating for low prices and awaiting for the purchase of BS-VI vehicles which enters the market by April 2020.

                          Another challenge faced by them is during the months of June, July, August due to the pressure which the parent population faces for paying the school fees. So, during these months there is low sales compared to other months. Some customers don’t buy vehicles during the month of Aadi (August) due to some religious belief.

                          Also during the months of November and December, sales is relatively low. This is due to year end, during which consumers think that it is not the right time to buy the vehicle. The reason behind this, if they buy vehicle in December, it will be counted as one year and it lowers the resale value.

                          Other challenges faced by them are customer oriented. The timely delivery of vehicle to the customer after RTO process is a hectic thing. At rare occasions, they tend to delay the delivery of vehicle and they had to face the consequences from customers.

                          Another big challenge awaiting for them, is the Electric Bikes, they anticipate that it may take 10 years – 15 years for the electric vehicle to be successful in India. But, in reality it may be closer due to the norms introduced by the Indian Government.


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