Impact of Industrial Slowdown

                          When we asked about the industrial slowdown he said clearly it mostly affected car industries only not bikes because of Automobile slowdown they faced little dull sales during December 2019. It will be like this till March 2020.

                          He pointed out that there is not much difference in sales of 2019 compared to 2018. He said sales remains the same as last year.

                          He said the brand’s one of the most popular bikes, the R15 has won hearts all over the country yet the effect of auto industry slowdown can be felt all around the nation. Another big reason that has contributed to a decrease in the sale of Yamaha two-wheelers is the approaching deadline of the BS – VI emission.

                          The new norm will come into effect from 1, April 2020 following which all vehicles should be BS – VI. Because of that prices could increase by 10 to 15%. He said “Basically, our original forecast was that the next fiscal year will be more challenging due to the BS-VI price increase”.


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